Daily Devotional

A Home Divided

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Scripture:  "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” (Matthew 12:25, ESV) (cf. Luke 11:17)

Observation: As Jesus heals people and casts demons out of them, some among those who witnessed the events accused Jesus of doing it by the power of the devil.  Our text today is Jesus’ response to those accusations.
     Basically Jesus was asking, what benefit is there for the devil to cast out his imps?  How does it help a government or kingdom when there is infighting?  The implied answer is that togetherness is stronger than divisiveness.

Application: While Jesus uses the example of a kingdom, this principles can also apply to the relationships at home.  Here are a few things we can do to make sure our home is not divided.
1. Marry a believer.  The most personal, intimate part of a person’s life is their spirituality.  If you can’t share that with your spouse because your faith is very different, how can you truly be one?  Many studies have shown that the more differences that exist in a marital relationship the greater the chance that they will lead to problems and even eventual divorce.  Those studies also reveal that religious differences are very difficult.  When you marry a believer, someone with whom you share your faith and spiritual beliefs, it will bring you closer and keep you close to each other and to God.
2. Worship together.  One of the most powerful tools God has given us to brings us and keep us together, as a couple and as a family, is daily worship.  As we study and pray together not only are we drawn toward each other but we’re certainly drawn closer to the source of our power, to God Himself.  Weekly, habitual church attendance also accomplishes the same affect.  When one member, say the father, decides to stay home while the wife and children go to church, a very important member of the family is missing from the fellowship they could or should have enjoyed together, but his example will prove detrimental to his children’s faith.
3. Decisions at home should be taken together.  This is particularly true of financial decisions (tithes and offerings, home budget, expenses, investments, savings, etc.), and any other decisions that have to do with the well-being of the family.  These would include such things as the education of the children, buying a home or a car, health (diet, medical care, etc.).
4. Children’s discipline should be agreed on by both parents together, and it should be done privately, not in front of the children.
5. Spend quality and quantity time together in recreational activities (playing games, vacations, etc.).  The memories we collect during these times keep us together and will remain even after death takes a loved one away.  Some of these memories go on through generations.

A Prayer You May Say: Father, Keep our family together in the bonds of mutual love and within Your arms of love.

Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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