Daily Devotional

Turn Humbly Toward God

Friday, December 29, 2023

Scripture: But I, the LORD, won't destroy any of your people who are truly humble and turn to me for safety. Zephaniah 3:12 (CEV)
Observation:  These verses emphasize the fact that the judgment on the day of the Lord is a purging judgment. The reason why “you shall not be shamed” is that the blot of wickedness will be removed from Jerusalem. The “remnant of Israel,” that is, those who are saved from the judgment, pattern their lives after the Lord whom they serve (v. 5). They live humbly, trustingly, and righteously under the watchful care of their God.[ Andrews Study Bible Notes. 2010 (J. L. Dybdahl, Ed.) (1207). Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press.]
Application: Insurance companies have termed catastrophic events in nature, such as tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes, as “acts of God.”  In that sense, Satan has continued to spread widely lies about God blaming Him for the things that he and his evil companions cause upon this earth and its people.  The promise of this verse is that God won’t destroy any who turn to Him humbly for safety.
            As I think of all the marriages and families falling apart, the destructive hand of the devil has caused painful havoc to many innocent children’s lives.  The security and safety of their homes, the loving atmosphere of their parents’ marriage, the peace and comfort they should enjoy during their growing years has been exchanged by yelling, anger, and even physical harm.  It is no wonder that many children, growing in such homes, don’t seem to have any interest in God or what He has planned for them.  If parents facing marriage difficulties would stop to consider the damage they’re causing their children instead of only looking at the pain they’re experiencing at the moment they might take the steps to change their home situation for the benefit of all.
            Today’s verse holds a promise for all of us wishing to have a happy, healthy home.  Turn humbly toward God for in Him we will find our safety zone.  Commit yourself and your family to God every day, humbly submit to His power and His guidance, and rest confident in His protection.  The key word is “humbly.”  Our sense of self wants to be independent, but God wants us to learn to depend on Him.  We want to be self-reliable, but God offers to help us if we rely on Him.  Humbly submitting to God may be the hardest thing we have to do, but also the best thing for us and for our family.
A Prayer You May Say:  Father God, today we come humbly before You, asking You to help us, change us, and be our safety.

Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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